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The Lord is teaching us all how to be Thankful For The Season We're In as we learn how to embrace our present situation by receiving it all as a blessing. Know that God makes no mistakes when He orders our steps. Why? Because the Bible states, "The steps of a good man is ordered by the Lord. And he delighted his ways" (Psalm 75:23). If we begin to look at things differently, then we will be able to appreciate the season we are in. Understand that God is in control of it ALL! 

We must create a praise on the inside of us, despite of what it looks like. It is then and only then that we are able to create a positive outlook on what appears to be negative. I believe we have the power to change our atmosphere. When we start believing in God's promises and walk in faith, things will begin to supernaturally change right before our natural eyes. "Do you perceive that things can and will change for your life?" Are you able to create a positive outlook in your mind?

If so, then your situation is in position to change. When you get in agreement with God's Plans for your life, you literally untie the hands of God and it is then that you are able to see Him do more than you can even ask for. Being thankful for the season you are in does not mean you are settling. It simply means you are satisfied with gratification and that you will not complain in that season because you understand that it is temporal. "For I know the plans I have for you. Declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). All you have to do is just trust the Lord and know that He has a plan and purpose for your's time to praise Him through your season! 

With Love and Respect, 

Minister Angie

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